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How To Prevent Stress as A First-Year Student from UPIKE Students.

Updated: Dec 10, 2021

At UPIKE you will find a lot of student athletes or students who participate in clubs and groups. Almost everyone is involved in something that they have a passion for and this allows for them to have some stress free time. In the survey most students indicated that they used their sport or club as a way of relieving stress. From football to archery to choir UPIKE has a vast amount of clubs and sports you can participate in to relieve stress.

If you do not find yourself enjoying a club or sport here and UPIKE and are looking for some other ways to relieve stress, there are many other options for you. The survey takers had indicated that they participated in events hosted by the school such as WUW (What's Up Wednesday) and free movie and bowling nights! These events allow you to get out and have some free time away from the stresses of school and classes. You can meet new people and have fun while you eat some food, play games or watch a movie! There is so many activities that are hosted on campus that you can relieve your stress with.

If you find yourself needing a more personalized form of stress relief feel free to check out the THRIVE Center here at UPIKE. This is a 100% completely free counseling service offered here at UPIKE. There are many people who you can go talk to and discuss personalized stress management and how to treat frequent stress. This service never charges your insurance so you do not have to worry about finances. If time is a problems for you they can even Zoom with you from the comfort of your own room!

Listed from most likely to less likely to do as a stress reliever was exercising, contact friends and family, so a stress relieving activity of their choosing, go to a counseling session and finally participate in journaling.


As you can tell exercising is a big stress relief. From our other article titled, "What Causes Stress in First-Year Students at UPIKE?" we can see that sports are the least likely to cause stress at UPIKE. This would make a lot of sense that UPIKE students would choose to do exercise. They can zone out and work out at the same time. They are able to relax while working out and it can help them work out some of that pent up frustration that they have.

Contact Friends and Family or Participate in a Stress Relieving Activity.

Most students at UPIKE also would contact friends and family or do a stress relieving activity. You can do both at the the same time here at UPIKE. You can work on a stressful thing like homework for a class while hanging out with your friends. Calling and talking to your family can also be a stress relief especially if you are stressed out because you miss them and miss being at home.

Going to Counseling or Journaling.

These were the two least chosen options for how students at UPIKE activity participate in stress relief. We were very shocked to find this out due to there being so much you can do to get help through the THRIVE Center. The THRIVE Center is a completely free way to get counseling or just to make an appointment to talk to someone about your issues and come up with constructive ways to face your stresses here at UPIKE or even in your personal life. Most students said that they were too busy to try to fit in a session or to write in a journal, some said they did not have the motivation to do either one. They all agreed that the resources were there but they did not have the time or motivation to do it.

Overall, you can tell that here at UPIKE there are many ways that you can get help and reduce your stress. You always have friends that you can get help from and there is always staff that will help you too. You are never alone at UPIKE everyone is here to help you not be stressed and be a successful student.

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